I'm an artist, researcher, and migrant.

I navigate spaces between performance, participation and migrant rights, and explore migrancy as a method and a practice. I make pieces for galleries and museums, public and community spaces, digital and printed pages; I probe existing art infrastructures and imagine new ways of organising (around) art; I invite audiences - especially migrant ones - to partake in my work. Taking different forms, shapes, and sizes, my practice is an ongoing experiment in articulating and making (cultural) institutions led by migrant knowledge.

I think/write/perform about borders and internationalism as part of Critical Interruptions. I am also a Lecturer in Contemporary Performance Practice at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. 

My work has appeared around the UK and internationally; venues and collaborators include Tate Modern (London), Center for Art on Migration Politics (Copenhagen) and Performing Arts Hub (Norway). 



ПУТНИК: is included in By the Means at Hand, Vlatka Horvat’s project for the Croatian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale

Open access article for CTR  - Essential Work: Eastern European Immigrants and Models of Participation

Article about The Uncommon for Archiving Plurality, a collection edited by Alessia Cargnelli and published by National Irish Visual Arts Library


bojanna.jankovic [at] gmail [dot] com



c: Bojana Janković / bojanna.jankovic[at]gmail.com

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